Visual Imagery: The Center of Interest in Digital Promotion
The pandemic has turned our lives upside down. While social distancing become the new trend, the role of Social Media has grown increasingly important as people are desperate to communicate and stay connected with loved ones. It’s 2020, and we all have a pretty good understanding of Social Media and how it works, right? But did you know that the famous blue bird on Twitter is called Larry? Or that every day in Instagram, one hundred million accounts upload a Story on a daily basis? Or the fact that 56% of TikTok users are male? We might want to learn more about Social Media.
Social media has become the most influential and important virtual space where the platform is not only used for social networking but is also a great way of digitally advertising your brand and your products. Like with content marketing, due to the continuously developing internet marketing industry, there are countless digital media and social networking sites, which all of them have their own unique characteristic and purpose. That’s what agency does; providing innovative digital marketing solution to the clients.
Talking about how we visualize or promoting our brand on Social Media, we can’t leave out the ‘photos’ or ‘visual’. Promoting on social Media isn’t as simple as posting captions and its visual. The image of the content is a centre of interest. Agency helps to ensure that the image fits what clients want. The idea is to attract the eyes of the audience before they really connect with client as a business.
Quoting Darwis Triadi on his statement, “Photography for me is more like the pulse of life, it’s not only about the money or commercial, but there’s also a responsibility.” For him, a visual or image is a “responsibility” that represent the brand to be promoted. Promotion of products and services on social media platforms is much easier in the digital world, where you can put up professional images of your product and their details, and let the audience engage under these albums. Again, that’s what agency does; ensuring not only increasing engagement on your social media profiles but also creating more chances of potential customers becoming buyers.
So, dearest Liquid Friends, If you would like to have more insights on how you can optimize your Social Media by developing an image or visuals to be the center of interest like this, do not hesitate to contact us!
Source: Kompasiana, CNN Indonesia, GrowthGurus and many sources.